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morning worship
at 9 & 11

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 \Morning Worship at 9 & 11!


connecting to jesus and one another.

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Wednesday Series Continues
– As we launch into a new year, we want to get stronger! Stronger in our faith, stronger in our love, stronger in our witness…Join us on Wednesday nights as we explore how to ‘be strong in the Lord.’


A new Women’s Bible Study, Heaven: When Faith Becomes Sight by Jennifer Rothschild, is underway at FCC on Thursdays. Groups will meet each Thursday at either 10 am or 6 pm for seven weeks. These meetings will involve video sessions, group discussions, a study guide and your Bible. Participants may enter through the office entrance at the back of the building. Please register at Connection Point or by calling the church office at 348-5131 or Marilyn Barnes at 348-9530.


New Series Begins Sunday, March 16
Throughout the Easter narrative we encounter people who were personally impacted by the events of Holy Week. They are the villains, heroes, cowards and crooks who witnessed history’s most pivotal event.  As we move toward our celebration of the Resurrection, we will be exploring what these witnesses experienced, how it changed them, and how it should change us!